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ways to use magnets for business marketing.

10 Ways to Use Magnets for Business Marketing

Table of Contents:

Business Cards | Car Signs | Calendars  | Photo Frame | Sports Schedules | Delivery Services | Logo | Coupons | Reminders | Custom Die-Cut Magnets | Contact Us

Marketing your business gets your name out to more people, building awareness and keeping your brand top of mind. You'll likely choose several ways to advertise your business when creating your marketing plan. You might design billboards, post on social media, or send targeted emails. Promotional items offer various ways to promote your company because you can customize so many products with your information. Magnets are an effective promotional item to use in business marketing.

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You may wonder, "Why use magnets for business marketing?" Custom magnets offer several ways to reach customers and continuously remind them of your business. Consider these 10 ideas. 

1. Business Cards

Many business owners hand out business cards to encourage potential customers to call them or provide more information about their services. Take your business card to the next level when you turn it into a magnet. Magnetic business cards allow you to share your card with a unique twist. Customers can put your card on their fridge or cubicle filing cabinets and easily access your contact information. Business card magnets are less likely to get lost or thrown away because they won't take up space in a wallet.

2. Car Signs

Keep marketing your business, even while on the go! Putting your business information on a car is an effective way to advertise across the miles. Having your car custom-wrapped or painted can be expensive. Magnetic car signs are a quick and easy way to brand a vehicle, and you can remove them as needed. Magnetic sheets can create durable car signs that will outlast harsh weather. 

3. Calendars

Physical calendars are a necessity, even in today's digital world. Some calendars can be bulky and difficult to hang or fit on a desk. Magnetic calendars hang on metal surfaces, where your customers can see them every day. With your business logo on the calendar, you'll remain within eyesight for the whole year. You may even decide to send out a calendar magnet each year, which your customers can start looking forward to in the future.

4. Photo Frame

Whether in an office or at home, people love to hang pictures of their pets, friends, and family on their fridges or filing cabinets. Typically, you'd have to use standard magnets to display your snapshots, potentially covering part of the picture. Use magnetic photo frames to promote your business and help customers hang their photos. Even if you keep your branding small to allow the focus to be on the picture, people will think of you every time they look at their picture.

5. Sports Schedules

You can create sports schedules like magnetic calendars featuring your business' name or logo. Whether you provide a schedule for local high school and college teams or a professional team, your customers will enjoy walking past the fridge and quickly seeing when the next game is. Some businesses sponsor or help fund local teams. If this is something your business does, putting your business information on a sports schedule can be a way for you to promote yourself and support your team.

6. Promote Delivery Services

Promote delivery services with magnets.

Magnets in the shape of a delivery van are the perfect way to notify customers that you offer delivery services. With your brand and contact phone number on a relevantly shaped magnet, you're sure to draw attention to your services. Whether you're reminding your customers of your existing delivery capabilities or letting them know you're offering a new service, sharing the news on a delivery van magnet can help your business stand out.

When you customize magnets, you can include plenty of information in your design. Sometimes, keeping it simple is all it takes. Have your logo printed on a magnet, and people will use it to attach things to the fridge or filing cabinet, which will constantly remind you of your brand.

8. Coupon Magnet

A fun way to add a twist to promotional magnets is to add a coupon. Giving customers coupons encourages them to return, order, or try a new service. Like business cards, coupons are easy to lose or forget about. Before you know it, your coupons have expired and become worthless pieces of paper. Your customers can put an effective magnetic coupon somewhere they'll see over and over again, reminding them to use it before time runs out.

Magnetic coupons can also serve as a way to build customer loyalty and increase your rate of returning customers. With a reason to return and a reminder to do so, your customers will be more likely to follow through.

9. Reminders

Magnets can remind people of your business. However, get creative and put more items on your magnets, so they serve as helpful reminders to your customers. For example, if you own a supermarket, you may include a helpful cooking conversion chart, or a firehouse may feature a list of additional emergency numbers. Reminders ensure people consistently look at the magnet, thus seeing your business information.

10. Custom Die-Cut Magnets

Die-cut magnets are the best way to promote your business with magnets. Customize die-cut magnets with virtually any shape and design to give your customers a truly unique magnet for their fridges. These are practical options for specialized businesses or those with unique logo shapes. From clovers to tacos, take your customized magnet to the next level with die-cut magnets and create a lasting impression on your customers.

Explore Magnum Magnetic Products for Your Business

Business marketing magnets are effective ways to promote your business and increase brand awareness. Getting high-quality and durable magnets is essential so your marketing efforts last. Magnum Magnetic can create custom magnets to help you market your business. We use our extensive industry knowledge to meet your specifications and efficiently get your product to you. Explore our products and contact our team for more information or to discuss custom products.

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