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4 Interesting Myths About Magnets

myths about magnets

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Magnets Destroy Computer's Hard Drive | All Metals Are Attracted to Magnets | Water Will Decrease a Magnet's Strength | Larger Magents are More Powerful Than Smaller Magnets | Contact Us

Many intriguing ideas about magnets have surfaced throughout history, whether introduced in a movie, classroom, fictional book, or passed along by word of mouth. While some of these stories have proven accurate, others lack the scientific proof to back their reasoning. We're here to discuss four of those magnet myths in detail.

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1. A Magnet Can Destroy a Computer's Hard Drive

While some people may feel paranoid about having magnets and computers in close proximity, the idea that one can destroy a hard drive is a myth. Some stories suggested that even simple refrigerator magnets can wipe out the data from a computer or cellphone. However, that assumption is far from accurate. 

Folks have been talking about magnets wiping the information from floppy disks for years, which may have spurred the myths about hard drives. A computer's hard drive already contains a powerful magnet that controls many internal movements. If this magnet safely functions inside your computer, a magnet near the outside is entirely harmless.

2. All Metals Are Attracted to Magnets

One of the biggest misconceptions about magnets is that they attract all metals. While all magnetic materials are metal, magnets are only attracted to particular kinds of metals.

Metals with high iron content have a strong magnetic attraction, so steel also has high magnetic properties. Other metals, like aluminum, zinc, copper, gold, and brass, are not magnetic. You can bend this rule by adding a small amount of a strong magnetic metal, like iron, to a metal with no magnetic properties.

3. Water Will Decrease a Magnet's Strength

Another common magnet myth is that magnets will lose their strength when exposed to water. Some people believe submerging a typical refrigerator magnet in a cup of water will lose its power, but we can disprove this assertion easily.

People use magnets in underwater applications every day. Commercial fishermen and boaters may use a magnet retrieval tool to retrieve lost items like expensive fishing rods from the water. Divers seeking sunken treasure frequently use devices with magnetic properties.

4. Larger Magnets Are More Powerful Than Smaller Magnets

Some metals indeed have higher magnetic properties than others. However, that fact stems from composition instead of size. Some smaller magnets are just as powerful as larger ones. Still, a large magnet made from the same material and shaped like a smaller magnet will have higher magnetic properties.

When you magnetize steel, the north poles of the atoms line up. The resulting force creates a magnetic field. A large piece of steel has more atoms than a small one, resulting in a stronger magnetic field than a smaller piece of the same metal.

Magnum Magnetics: Your Trusted Magnet Authority

Do you want to verify whether your facts about magnets are correct? Contact Magnum Magnetics today! We're the largest manufacturer of flexible magnets in the U.S., and our experienced sales team will help you select the right product for all your magnet needs.

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